World Trivia
Government | Women | Education | Places | Mythology | World Trivia |
This city- state had a goverment most similar to ours. Athens Government 100 | Women from this city state had more rights than others. Sparta Women 100 | In this city-state sickly infants were abadoned to die. Sparta Education 100 | Not only was it the marketplace, but it served as the central location for the people of Athens to share news and discuss politics. Agora Places 100 | This type of story explains how the Earth was made. Creation Stories Mythology 100 | Which is the largest ocean? Pacific World Trivia 100 |
This city-state had a democracy. Athens Government 200 | very few women in this city-state had jobs. Athens Women 200 | This city-state's education was closest to your education? Athens Education 200 | This building was dedicated to Athena and other Greek gods. The Parthanon Places 200 | This is the charceter that is sent to underworld for three months every year. Pesephone Mythology 200 | Who gave his name to the month of July? Julius Ceasar World Trivia 200 |
This city-state had an oligarchy. Sparta Government 300 | A major expectation of women from this city-state was to educate girls in the home. Athens Women 300 | This city-state's education's focus was on creating good citizens. Athens Education 300 | It was at this location approximately 500 years BC, that the concept of democracy was first practiced. Pynx Places 300 | Myths belong to this sub genre. Traditional Literature Mythology 300 | How many colors are there in a rainbow? Seven World Trivia 300 |
At this age Spartan men could become part of the council. 60 Government 400 | Women in this city-state could not choose their own husbands, could not go out alone, and could not inherit property. Athens Women 400 | In Athens, boys learned to sing and play this musical instrument that is like a harp. Lyre Education 400 | This is the place in which girls were educated. The Home. Places 400 | This god is the god of blacksmiths, craftsmen, and fire Hephestus Mythology 400 | What's the most important book in the Moslem religion? Koran World Trivia 400 |
This is the number of members in the Athenian Council 500 Government 500 | Women from this city-state could remarry. Sparta Women 500 | Name one of the subjects taught in an Athens public school. Gymnastics, arithmatic, reading, writing, literature, music, sports. Education 500 | In Sparta, men lived in _______ until they were 30. Barracks Places 500 | She is the Goddess of the hearth and marriage. Hestia Mythology 500 | Question 500 Answer 500 World Trivia 500 |
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Athens |
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